Need Clarity & Direction?

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Today I want to introduce you to a potent ally in transformation.
The ancient wisdom keeper essential oil Clary Sage.
I find this oil to be so appropriate for the current energies.
It is extraordinary. One of my favorites!
Clary Sage is the clarifier!
This oil will come into your life and help you sort out what is staying and what is going.
You see, Clary Sage’s intent is to assist you in expanding your perception and possibilities. It provides you with the courage to dispel darkness, illusion and move past limiting beliefs.
If you are currently experiencing a healing crisis or going through a period of confusion, doubt, hopelessness and spiritual disconnection, bond with this oil!
This ancient wisdom keeper holds a key of recognition to your TRUE POTENTIAL.
Clary Sage essential oil strengthens your connection to Spirit and the Earth, awakening your spiritual gifts and empowering you in your innate wisdom.
Currently, all my clients in mentorship are ready to dive deep with this oil. They will be expanding their spiritual visions, gifts and creative channels with a deeper awareness and purpose.
For those of you who are new to oils doing anything but providing aromatic pleasure and calming the nervous system.. I have a real treat for you.
I am preparing to put together very special ways to work with oils to enrich your life on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
You see, the oils want to be woven into multiple modalities. They want to be circulated and put to good use.
Essential oils are key ingredients in my inner alchemy and transformation services.
There are potent ways to enhance the healing benefits of these miraculous beings.
I am passionate about relaying their messages. I guess you could call me an “oil whisperer” lol.
In all seriousness, we all have the power to connect with them and receive their messages and intuitive guidance.
It’s time we harness the power of nature for multidimensional healing and every day well-being.
I would love to see every family and household using oils to enrich their lives.
God gave us the gift of the Earth. The mineral and plant kingdoms are nature’s pharmacy.
The oils call to you when you are ready!
Are you ready?
2 Ways To Go Deeper
If you want to activate your spiritual gifts and experience more holistic abundance in your life, here are two offers for you:
1: The Abundance Portal
The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!
It's a series of 5 activations to help you:
- Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
- Receive higher perspectives
- Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming
Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.
Register here: The Abundance Portal
2: Mentorship
Join the waitlist to work with me 1:1.
If you are a good fit, we will have a conversation about a custom package for you and get you on the waitlist for February.
Note: I recently updated the page describing my mentorship programs. Check out the new page via the button below.
Learn more and apply here: MENTORSHIP